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 About Us...

Our Mission

The Westwood Club Preschool strives to nurture each child's individuality, innate curiosities and instill a desire for lifelong learning as we prepare preschoolers for kindergarten and the world beyond.

Our Philosophy

Each student comes into our school with different perspectives, interests, backgrounds, family and home lives and life experiences. We work to understand this personal history so that we can craft an educational program that is diverse, engaging and joyful. We work to foster curiosity, experiment to solve problems and ask questions. We create experiences, wonder and spontaneous moments that are relevant to each student. And, we make the learning fun!

Our Curriculum

Each day, our teachers integrate skills from all learning domains: social and emotional, cognitive, language, and fine/gross motor skills with strong emphasis on group and social learning. Children are introduced to the classroom through teacher led learning centers. They spend time getting to know our teachers and their classmates through song and play. Teachers introduce routines that help guide and engage the students and create predictablilty to the day.

As the children grow, we prepare them for kindergarten through fun and diverse activities. We play with letters, link letter names and sounds, sing songs, and draw and write independantly. Each day students dive into counting games, petterning, sequencing and graphing, and other activities to develop math awareness. Children explore how the world works through hands-on sensory activities and develop strong physical skills on the playgournd and in the gymnsaium. Daily art and music activities always promise noisy, messy fun and are favorites for all of our children!

From a child's first day in preschool, to the day they leave for kindergarten, we seek to provide an environment where compassion and kindness are paramount to all that we do, as we help our students develop self-confidence, self-awareness and consideration to the perspective of others.